Therapeutic Massage

Massage therapy is a massage directly applied to the skin and muscles. It is a drug-free treatment, it’s a natural and effective way to treat problems related to muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and central nervous system. This technique consists of applying pressure with rhythmic movements and oil on the skin.

It is a toxic medication-free treatment so it is also a natural and effective way to treat problems related to bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and central nervous systems of the body. This technique consists of rhythmic movements by applying manual pressure and using natural oils on the skin. This type of massage provides a number of benefits in the body while experiencing a feeling of relaxation. Among the benefits obtained with this massage is the reactivation of the body’s circulatory system (blood, energy, and lymph) stimulates the central nervous system, stimulation of the immune system.
I use this therapeutic massage therapy very often in combination with cupping and acupuncture to more effectively stimulate healing in the body and thus reduce or relieve pain.